Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dreams of Spring

It's sooooo cold here. I'm sure that most you won't think that 52 degrees is that cold, but we do have heavy wind. The wind chill counts, right? We are expecting a hard freeze tonight and tomorrow night. I've been out in this dreadful weather covering plants, flowers, and herbs. The good news is I have flowers all year but it is a bit of work to protect them during our cold days. Please remember that I was outside in 80 degree weather on Sunday so this is quite a drop in temperature!

It's definitely time to think of Spring. That always improves my spirits. With each new issue of Vogue Pattern Magazine, I pick my 3 favorite new patterns. Sometimes I make them and sometimes I don't. These are my picks for Spring 2009:
V1092 I love this skirt, don't care much for the top.

V1087 I love this dress. It's the perfect LWD for my Spring/Summer Florida lifestyle. The only negative (that I can see now) is the advanced fitting and sewing skills required to make it. I'll see how my sewing goes. I'd like to take on the challenge of making it.
V1099 The jacket definitely will go on my Spring sewing list, not so sure about the pants.


  1. I'm jealous of your 52 degrees-- it's been below freezing here for days!

  2. those are fabulous patterns. i really like the dresses.

  3. I'm so tired of cold weather and dead, gray trees I could scream! I can't wait to break out some spring patterns and fabrics and buy some new spring fabric! I love that white Vogue dress, but I'm intimidated by the fitting I would have to do to make it work for me. I like the black and white skirt and top, too. Might have to de-pouf the sleeves a little bit.

  4. I passed an award to you. You can copy it from my blog
