Tuesday, June 2, 2009

May Didn't Bring Many Flowers

Here in Central Florida, there was no rain for weeks, but once it did start to rain it wouldn't stop. We lost lost half of our tomatoe crop and at least half (if not more) of the snap bean plants. We have some flowers - just not as many as usual this time of year. The view from my sewing room is nice, but not as awesome as the picture on this blog. Mother Nature is settled down a bit now. The temp is in the eighties with afternoon thunder storms.

My May sewing experience is about the same as the weather. The first of the month I just couldn't get going on any sewing. There was vacation catch-up, lots of fun times with family and friends, and a bunch of mini crises. Most of the time, I can work around those things. It just didn't happen the beginning of the month. I was a lot like most of the Fashion Show Contestants: the one who couldn't use a rotary cutter properly and the ones who pinned and glued garments together. Actually, I didn't use any glue (although I was tempted) and, certainly fixed the "messes" before wearing anything on my "fashion show runway"- the driveway. This was definitely a learning month once the sewing mojo kicked in (about the last week in May).When Burda says a design is easy to sew but more time consuming, forget the "easy" most of the time and remember the more time consuming. At any rate, I did finish two garments this month: BWOF 0209 #118A (a knit top) and KS 3620 (a woven blouse). The KS blouse as been in process for a while and was used as a fitting "experiment". I have the fit pretty close to the way I like it now with only a few tweaks for future sewing. Yep, that's it. I only completed two garments. I did cut out several garments that I'm excited about sewing. (That means I'll be doing a lot of sewing until I run into a problem!) I'll get pictures of the two garments and post about them later in the week.

My stash did increase this month. I blame the Fabric Mart Memorial Day Sale and Carolyn's post that showed some gorgeous yellow linen. Yes, I bought some yellow linen for a dress or jacket. A few other fabrics jumped into my shopping cart for a total of 10.25 yards. I only used 4 yards of fabric this month. Storage is becoming a definite problem. I sure hope the Sewing Problem Grinch stays away from my sewing room. I need garments and storage space!


  1. Two garments is great, I think! And, June is here and could be even a better sewing month for you!

  2. You have been given the "One Lovely Blog" award by--me! Stop by my blog, copy/paste the award picture to your own blog. Enjoy!

  3. Great blog.


  4. Seems like a pretty good amount of finished work to me... I'm such a slow sewer these days!
