Saturday, May 6, 2017

"Tops That Pop" Sew-Along

Faye Lewis at Faye's Sewing Adventure organized a top sew-along-long for the last 2 weeks in April. She got my sewing mojo going so I made 3 tops and started a 4th one. I enjoyed the sewing, sharing, and seeing the impressive tops that others made.  Although my tops are simple to sew, I already have worn them a lot and received many treasured compliments. You know the ones -"Where did you buy that?" and "I can't believe that you sewed that".

First up is the Closet Case Ebony Tee. This pattern definitely is included in my small stash of favorite tees.The only change that I made in the pattern was to add 2.5" to the cropped version. I cut this cotton jersey on the cross grain and was afraid that it would stretch. After several wearings, it's still good.

This last picture is my "How does this remote work?" picture. It's been a while since I took pictures of myself.

The second top is the Named Inari Crop Tee made in a knit. I added a little over 5 inches in length. I liked the style, but didn't want such a cropped look. I didn't make any other adjustments, but will raise the armholes slightly next time. Also, I'll topstitch the top of the cuffs down. They tend to flop down, in a knit anyway, which you can see in the picture if you look closely. My serging is fairly neat so it doesn't look bad - just could look better, I may fix this top when I have black thread on my machine or maybe just leave it. The only challenging part was cutting out the fabric for design placement and matching the seams the best that I could.

The third top is the Grainline Willow Tee Dress, made in a cropped tank. I've made this top twice before in wovens (not blogged) and love it. There are no adjustments other than I tried it in a stable knit. I was happy that it worked fine.

I'm working on a 4th top but this is it for now.



  1. 3 really different fabrics, and they all look great on you. that shade of blue in the first one is so pretty.

  2. Hi Rose - we are holding the Tops That Pop Sewalong again. Would love to have you join!

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