A couple of my recent t-shirts are post worthy. If you look closely, you can see the embroidery around the neckline. I wanted to do something simple and a little different. Now I know that embroidery on a light-weight bamboo knit is anything but simple. It's an excercise in patience and many pre-samples.

I used this particular knit because it was a perfect match to my paisley jacket. I also did a pair of pullon pants the same color as the knit. The pants are made out of tropical weight wool garbardine. I won't be wearing or modeling them until the temperature goes below 90 F. It's just too hot!

The second t-shirt is my first attemp at Frankenpatterning (Is that a word?). The top is KS3156 and the bottom is KS2694. It worked pretty well but I should have used my TNT for the top. It fits better. The other thing I learned is the need to ALWAYS shorten the back above the waist. I normally do that but I forgot with my focus on matching the two patterns. As I look at the photo, I also think this top needs a bit of pressing. That one can be fixed easily! I wish all construction problems could be fixed that easily. I'll definitely do more frankenpatterns in the future. Fitting is a big issue with me. I need to use parts of patterns that fit. Otherwise, I'll spend my life fitting patterns instead of sewing. Yes, I love patterns and love variety.

With this t-shirt, I used the banded curved neckline method in Lynda Maynard's Dressmaker's Handbook of Couture Sewing Techniques. I don't think the method really is "couture", but I sure like the way it looks.

I'm back to working on another jacket muslin. I'm dreaming of a TNT jacket!!
Parting Shot:
My sewing companion, Roxy is growing! (You can see some of my project bags, too. I forgot to close the closet door.)

The latest additions to your wardrobe are lovely - the colours are so pretty! Roxy is darn cute too!
Great Ts. You were brave doing embroidery on that knit. Nice work. I live in Ts, in all seasons.
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