1. Copy the award to your site.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers.
4. Link to those on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominate.
I would like to pass this award to the following 7 other bloggers whose names I haven't seen listed yet and definitely deserve this award:
1. Gaylen at GMarie
2. Alicia at AliciaJeanae
3. Shawna at Whatwouldyoudowith25hourdays?
4. Shannon at FrogsinaBucket
5. Emily at ALittleSewingStudioonTrowbridgeSt
6. Marji at FiberArtsAfloat
7. Adrienne at RealLife:Live&Unscripted
There are many, many other excellent sewing blogs out there. Some of them I haven't discovered yet. I read the post from Carolyn who broke the rules of the Kreativ Blogger award and nominated everyone who read her blog and has their own blog. She said that we all could display the award and state that the nomination was from her. Carolyn really understands that feeling of anticipation as the awards are posted. So, I decided to create my own award. My award is the Hug Award. This award does not have anything to post on a blog because it is just a very special feeling that is sent through cyberspace. It can be passed on to someone else, but there is no rule that requires it. This award is not only for excellent blogging and excellent sewing skills. This award is for understanding and encouraging the newbies in blogging/sewing and making them feel special. So, Carolyn is the first recepient. Thanks for being there in blogland, Carolyn.
Wow! Thanks for the blogger award- you're so sweet! I'll have to figure out how to put it on my sidebar tomorrow. Right now I'm falling asleep on my keyboard. We're in the middle of an ice storm and I just want to go hibernate until it's over!
Thanks Rose! You have made my day!
Congrats on the award! And yes, I have seen that on the Burda site-- I ordered myself a BWOF subscription in December and I'm very much hoping I get the February issue as the first one, for that reason alone! (Especially since I can't buy individual copies in stores around here-- haven't seen it at my local Borders, believe me, I've checked, and don't have a B&N around to look at.)
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