I love reading about sewing ideas that make garments look more professional and make sewing easier. I sew and make a lot of t-shirts - some plain and some a little fancier. When I read
Karen's blog post about attaching the neckband I had to try it. Yes, I heard about it before but I never read it explained so clearly. It's so easy to get caught up in pattern instructions without realizing there is a better way. I sometimes have gapping in the neckband, particularly in the back. All she did was sew use the pattern neckband, folded it in half right side out, pressed it flat, sewed one shoulder seam, pinned the band stretching it slightly around the neck, and was left with quite a bit of band at the end. Then, she sewed the neckband on and, then, the other shoulder. When I tried this method, I had my band pinned on and checked her post to see if I was following the method. Well, it looked so much like hers that I had to take a picture. Hey, anything I sew that looks like an advanced sewer, I dance a jig and take a picture. Here are the pictures which look similar to Karen's.

This technique definitely is going into my bag of tricks!
Oh, your collar looks so pro! Thanks for showing how this was done - I've had my share of gapped collars myself so really appreciate you showing this trick! Must try soon.
Wow that's too cool! I've never been too comfortable sewing on knits. Thanks for sharing a great tip.
Your neck band does look excellent!
I am a big fan of Sarah Veblen's method and have always had success with it.It works every time.
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